�The Dark Knight Rises (12A) gives a dignified finale to one of the most acclaimed comic book adaptations of the past decade.

The Dark Knight elevated superhero films to unparalleled heights with a taut script bearing the hallmarks of a Greek tragedy and a signature performance by Heath Ledger as the Joker.

For the last instalment of his trilogy, British director Christopher Nolan takes Batman to the underground sewers of Gotham, from which rises a new menace, anarchy, and its ruthless embodiment Bane.

Tom Hardy is convincing as the fiend intent on bringing terror and doom to the city but his character is not as memorable as Ledger’s Oscar-winning performance.

Nolan detonates a new salvo of surprises and manages to amaze Batman fans on many fronts. At two hours and 45 minutes, the film is a thoroughly enjoyable ride with incredible set pieces.

The Inception director portrays Bruce Wayne/Batman (Christian Bale) no longer as a billionaire playboy but a broken man who gets a taste of defeat.

Catwoman (Anne Hathaway), is equally interesting as the treacherous burglar who is stripped down without superhero qualities or feline mannerisms.

Nolan again turns the plot upside down but with a formula he experimented with in his breakthrough The Dark Knight. He skilfully harks back to Batman Begins in an apparent bid to leave a legacy, tie up loose ends and leave fans satisfied.

The farewell is a fitting story of hope and glory, suggesting Nolan has plenty of dark secrets to dazzle our minds, amaze and entertain.

John Phillips