�Officers put their new bike to good use when a 15-year-old boy was arrested for theft.

PCSO Ash Soni from Gooshays Safer Neighbourhoods team was patrolling the area when the description of a teenager was circulated on police radio system.

He pursued the suspect on his bike and detained him before officers arrived on the scene.

The bike was recently donated to officers by the Betra Housing Association.

Sgt Paul Crosby, of Gooshays Safer Neighbourhoods team, said: “I am very grateful to all those involved in the housing association in providing my team with this valuable piece of kit.


“Our ward is quite large and there is no doubt that patrolling on a bike is an effective way to both respond to calls from the public and be visible to our community.”

He added: “This was a great piece of work by Soni and demonstrates our commitment to reducing crime on our ward.”