Romford’s MP Andrew Rosindell has called on BBC One to play the national anthem at the end of each programming day, in honour of Brexit.

It is the second time Mr Rosindell has attempted to restore the practice in parliament after it was scrapped in 1997.

The Conservative MP tabled an early day motion yesterday calling for the anthem to be played before the switch over to BBC News 24.

He believes by the broadcaster agreeing, it will send a message that “Britain is back” after the country “reclaimed its identity” following the referendum result in June.

He said: “This is nothing new; it happened every night back in 1997 before Tony Blair got into power.

“It was a great thing, it showed pride and patriotism.

“Other parts of the world play their national anthem on television channels so I don’t know why Britain can’t too.

“It would also be fitting to Her Majesty after celebrating her 90th birthday.”

The motion reads: That this House calls upon the British Broadcasting Corporation to restore the British National Anthem on BBC1 at the end of each day’s programming, before the switch over to BBC News 24; regrets the decision on the 3rd October 1997 to play God Save The Queen on BBC1 for the last time; and believes that this proud British tradition should be reinstated before the end of 2016, in honor of Her Majesty’s ninetieth birthday.”