Brentwood Council has moved a step closer to planning the needs of Gypsies and travellers in the borough.

The two groups of residents from Brentwood met last Friday at the town hall with the council’s head of planning and the managing director to discuss their needs in the new local plan, which is currently being prepared.

The meeting was called by Brentwood South councillors Julie Morrissey and Mike Le-Surf after a meeting with the travellers’ support group over the summer.

It was also attended by members from the Irish Traveller Movement who are working with the council to prepare the plan.

They said positive steps were made to make sure that the council has a strong dialogue with the Gypsy and Traveller residents while the document is being prepared.

Cllr Julie Morrissey said: “I’m proud that the historic links between Brentwood and our Gypsy and traveller community are finally being recognised by the council and that their needs will be recognised as an integral part of our local plan.”

A Brentwood Council spokesman said: “The meeting provided a forum to discuss issues and also consider how dialogue can be taken forward to help inform the council in the preparation of the Local plan.”