A Collier Row pre-school has climbed from an inadequate to a good rating after its latest Ofsted inspection.

The Corpus Christi Pre-School, at the Parish Hall on Lowshoe Lane, was previously declared inadequate in November 2019.

Although both the quality of education and good behaviour and attitudes criteria were assessed as good that year, safeguarding issues were at the crux of the rating.

The report said: "Some staff, including those with lead safeguarding roles, do not have a clear knowledge and understanding of their safeguarding responsibilities.

"As a result, children's safety and welfare are compromised."

Provider Kimberley Jenkins was given a series of actions to take to improve the service's rating, with an interim visit carried out in October 2020 to check whether the issues had been addressed.

After Ofsted's latest inspection on September 23 this year, all four categories - quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development and leadership and management - were rated good.

It was the personal development and leadership and management categories which were specifically deemed inadequate two years ago.

This improvement can be seen in how the 2021 inspection report assesses safeguarding, a highlighted issue in terms of the previous rating.

It reads: "The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Staff have a good understanding of their responsibility to keep children safe.

"They are knowledgeable about possible signs and symptoms of abuse, dangers outside the home, such as grooming, and how to report their concerns."

Corpus Christi - which has 15 children on its roll compared to 27 in 2019 - was praised for how it supports the children's developing language skills and promotes good hygiene practices.

The inspection report adds: "They arrive happy and ready to play and learn, and they show that they feel safe, secure and happy.

"Staff know the children well and provide a warm, supportive environment. Children respond well to staff and have close and affectionate bonds with them."

Corpus Christi Pre-School has been contacted for comment.