A school is celebrating after Ofsted inspectors said it has raised standards to get a ‘good’ rating.

Harold Court Primary School, previously rated satisfactory, has now been described as ‘good’ in every category.

The school was inspected for overall effectiveness, pupils’ achievement, teaching, behaviour and safety of pupils, and leadership and management.

Inspectors said standards were above average across the school, teaching was consistently good and all group of pupils achieved well.

The report said: “The quality of teaching in music has improved considerably in the past year and the standards have risen. Strong leadership from the headteacher and deputy headteacher has helped the school to improve well since its last inspection.”

Ofsted added that there were good gains in pupils’ achievement and the quality of teaching because “governors, leaders and managers keep a close check on how the school is doing”.

Inspectors have asked the school to raise maths standards in maths to the same level as reading and writing, and for all teachers to set work at the right level for pupils.

Headteacher Beverly Swain said: “We have had a relentless focus on improving standards since 2009 when I became head of Harold Court. Comprehensive tracking of the progress pupils are making by all staff, very high expectations and excellent teaching have led to a rapid rise in standards.”

Chairman of governors Sarah Philpotts said: “There is now such a positive buzz in the school that we, as governors, are committed to supporting teachers and assistants to improve on what we have achieved.”