A mum, who has attended First Step with her son for the past 18 months, said it was vital for his transition to pre-school.

Sarah Ashcroft’s twins Sam and Sophie were born prematurely and Sam weighed only 2 lbs at birth. He spent his first seven months in hospital where he had several operations and was in intensive care.

Sam was two-and-a-half years old when he first went to First Step with Sophie and Sarah.

He now attends pre-school at First Step as well as Aardvark Nursery and has music therapy sessions with Jennie Small.

And working alongside the local feeding specialist the team at First Step have also helped Sam overcome his reluctance to eat.

Sarah said: “The transition to Aardvark was made easier as the staff at First Step worked in with the nursery and other staff.

“Initially Sam was tactile defensive and not very confident. Jenny works closely with Sam and I can really see the changes. Sam is more confident, aware of the other children and able to integrate in the group, taking turns during activities.

“Sam said his first word in music therapy with Jennie as he doesn’t currently speak - he is also working with a speech and language therapist.”