Transport for London’s (TfL) plan to refurbish the Gallows Corner flyover is a step closer to reality - but it has been dubbed “a sticking plaster solution”.

A letter from the Department for Transport (DfT) dated Tuesday, May 7 and addressed to Romford MP Andrew Rosindell revealed that an “outline business case stage approval” has been granted to the Gallows Corner scheme.

The scheme, it said, involved strengthening and refurbishing the existing Gallows Corner flyover with the new structure having a minimum design life of 60 years.

A full replacement of the bridge deck and parapets will also be carried out under the plans and the existing steelwork will be strengthened and repainted.

A maximum of £57.3m has been earmarked by the DfT towards the estimated costs. 

Read More: Gallows Corner flyover rebuild plan gets application boost

The flyover, that connects the A12 Eastern Avenue with the A127 Southend Arterial Road, was initially built as a temporary structure in 1970.

TfL has previously said it is "in urgent need of major repairs". In June last year, it submitted a business case to the Department for Transport for funding.

Mr Rosindell hailed the approval of the outline business case as "a step forward, albeit many years overdue".

Romford Recorder: Romford MP Andrew Rosindell doesn't think the refurb plan goes far enoughRomford MP Andrew Rosindell doesn't think the refurb plan goes far enough (Image: Charles Thomson)

But he felt that the proposed refurbishment “doesn’t address the fundamental issues of congestion and safety” that have plagued the junction for decades.

"It is a sticking plaster solution, not a long-term plan for something permanent and better”, he stated.

The Conservative MP vowed to continue to push for the “comprehensive overhaul” that he said Gallows Corner “desperately needs”.

"We cannot afford to settle for half measures when the safety and wellbeing of local people and those passing through our borough are at stake”, he added.

David Rowe, TfL's director of investment delivery planning, said in response that they have assessed all options for the flyover’s renewal thoroughly and are moving forwards with plans for a scheme that will refurbish and strengthen it using the latest materials.

He added: “We welcome the recent DfT approval of the outline business case and continue to progress the design and planning work to deliver the scheme.

“We plan to submit the full business case to DfT in the autumn."