A man who brutally stabbed his ex-girlfriend 18 times after promising her money has been jailed.

Robin Ibrahim, 28, asked his ex-partner to meet him outside a bank in High Street, Hornchurch, so that he could return a substantial amount of money he owed her on June 28, 2021.

The attacker from Brock Place, Tower Hamlets, then walked with the victim to a car park in Billet Lane where he said he would pass over the promised money.

However once they got to the car park, Ibrahim pulled out a knife and attacked the victim as she fell to the side of her parked car.

He stabbed her 18 times before he was stopped by members of the public who bravely intervened.

The victim was rushed to hospital with possible life-threatening injuries and had emergency surgery.

According to the Metropolitan Police, she continues to recover from her injures to this day.

Ibrahim was arrested on suspicion of murder and possessing an offensive weapon, and he was charged on June 30, 2021.

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Appearing at Basildon Crown Court on Friday (March 10), Ibrahim was sentenced to 25 years’ imprisonment.

He pleaded guilty to attempted murder and possession of an offensive weapon in a public place at the same court on September 22.

Romford Recorder: Police swiftly arrested the man after a stabbingPolice swiftly arrested the man after a stabbing (Image: PA)

Detective Constable Ollie Jones said: “Ibrahim lied to his ex-girlfriend saying he had the substantial amount of money he owed her so she would agree to meet him.

“He then subjected her to a brutal, sustained attack where he stabbed her 18 times. I believe Ibrahim would’ve continued his savage attack had members of the public, including the victim’s sister, not rushed to her aid and detained Ibrahim until the police arrived.

“Aware of how dangerous Ibrahim was, officers from the East Area’s Public Protection team and CID worked together to carry out fast-time enquiries to gather enough evidence for him to be charged.

“Ibrahim eventually realised the overwhelming evidence against him and that he had no option but to plead guilty to his heinous crime.

“I would like to commend the victim for the bravery she has shown throughout. I hope Ibrahim being jailed for a substantial amount of time gives her a small part of closure.

“I’d also like to praise the members of the public for the courage they showed in rushing to the victim’s aid on the day, preventing her from enduring further injuries or worse.”