I have been contacted by many concerned residents regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) over the last few weeks, and I have advised constituents to follow the official guidance issued by the UK Government, NHS, and local councils.

This is a constantly changing situation and it is also important that people regularly check back with official information sources for any changes as things develop.

Firstly, my thoughts are with the loved ones of the individuals who have sadly passed away. My thoughts are also with those who have contracted the virus.

As always, I am immensely grateful to all our NHS staff and social care workers who are working tirelessly to help deal with this crisis. Public health and safety must come first, and action must be guided by medical and scientific evidence.

We need a collective approach to this crisis, potentially the biggest in our lifetimes, and one which sees a step change in how our public services are valued and funded.

The prime minister has addressed the nation urging everyone to stay at home for three weeks - leaving the house only for essential food shopping or collection of medication. Not everyone will be able to do this. Key workers across the country will still be making their way to work daily ensuring the nation is taken care of, and I know many residents across Dagenham and Rainham will contribute to this phenomenal effort. On behalf of all residents I want to thank each and every one of you.

I am urging constituents to keep updated with the latest guidance via official sources. There is a lot of information circulating right now but I am urging residents to concentrate the most on advice given from central and local government as well as local charities and support services.